The Arabian Nights – Part II Public Test Server is here and we’d like to invite you to a focused test of one of the key new features of the update – the Battalion Ranked Battles.
You can read more about this PvP competitive mode in our dedicated article. This test will take place on Saturday, March 2, between 16:00 CET and 20:00 CET (7 AM to 11 AM PST, 18:00 and 22:00 MSK). During this time, we’d like to ask you to:
- Enter the Public Test Server (see below for installation instructions)
- Create a battalion (or stay in one if you have it already)
- Join the Ranked Battles mode with a Tier 9 or a Tier 10 vehicle (unlocking vehicles is possible with the currency provided for the sake of testing)
- Submit your feedback to the dedicated Discord channel or to the Feedback form we have prepared for this PTS
To reward you for your help, we’ve prepared two prizes for you:
- Each participant of the test will receive 3 days of Premium Time on the Live server
- Additionally, top 50 ranked players will receive 1.000 Gold each on the Live server
Please note that these prizes will be paid out only after the conclusion of the testing.
Important: We've identified an issue causing a number of lags and client crashes. As a temporary work-around, please remove all your friends and ignored players from their respective lists once you are ready to enter a battle.
Joining the Test Server
The Public Test Server is a special, separate server, running an experimental version of the game with the specific goal of uncovering and resolving this new version’s issues using player feedback.
By entering the server, you acknowledge that the game experience may be diminished by the abovementioned issues as well as downtimes that may occur at any time based on the needs of the testing schedule.
To enter the Public Test Server, you need to have a special client installed.
- Please open the Armored Warfare My.com launcher
- Scroll the launcher window to find the Test Server button
- Press the Test Server button in the launcher
- Follow the standard installation instructions
Entering the Ranked Battles Mode
In order to be able to enter the Ranked Battles mode, you have to be a part of a Battalion. No specific member count is required – any Battalion can join, even one with just one member. To join the mode:
- Select a Tier 9 or a Tier 10 vehicle
- Switch to the Headquarters window in the game
- Click the Battalion button next to the standard PvP and PvE buttons (please note that this button will not appear if you are not a member of a battalion)
- Select the Ranked Battles button and join the queue
We hope that you will enjoy this test and are looking for your feedback.
See you on the battlefield!