
Storyline Campaign Update: October 19


The following updates to the Storyline Campaign are taking place on October 19, 2021. Following the publication of a story update, a minor secret was discovered within.

Player Sebastian_Grimm, who discovered it first, wins 3 Platinum Loot Crates, the title "Codebreaker" and the Episode 1 Completed status, being the first to officially acquire one. Discovering the secret opened a new Shard of the Past:

The following players have purchased the Perihelion bundle (Way of the Merchant) and are therefore automatically eligible for the Storyline Campaign (latest update: October 18, 2021):

List of Eligible Players (Way of the Merchant)

  1. A_ru
  2. A_rvern
  3. A_Vetruvio
  4. a3pon
  5. AceOfBlades
  6. Aerion
  7. Aethon
  8. Ahzzie
  9. Allgemein
  10. Alpha7
  11. AlphaWolf2448
  12. Ambraxas
  13. AMOK_John
  14. Andy74
  15. anulu1234
  16. anunaky
  17. Aphidion
  18. Aquascum
  19. Arhiloh
  20. Archaeopteryx
  21. Archangel051
  22. armoredDonut
  23. aspirant80
  24. Atlasian
  25. atze4772
  26. AusterWueste830
  27. AWDark
  28. AxleVought
  29. Baba_Booey
  30. Baba_of_Noobs
  31. baba-yaga-xxxl
  32. bagofbones
  33. Balocco92
  34. banzai99
  35. Baobass
  36. barrettMHF
  37. Battle_Llama
  38. baxter77
  40. belbegor
  41. bezimiennyPL
  42. biermsch11
  43. Bismarck01
  44. Bisoprolol
  45. Bitamin_ROK
  46. Blabla123
  47. BlackPiet
  48. Blokhow
  49. bloodred0114
  50. Bluedust
  51. Bluecheese
  52. bluenite
  53. bluesteelxyz
  54. bobes1907
  55. boegeman300
  56. Bonatius
  57. Bulk
  58. bulsoryung
  59. Bushmaster1
  60. CabiHun
  61. CannonBreaker
  62. Capt_Chaos
  63. Captain-Bannon
  64. Cardex
  65. Carl_A_Pizza
  66. Cascozi
  67. Cdnarmy30
  68. CellEtAudax
  69. Cobra0668
  70. CodyFett
  71. ColinM
  72. CommanderConner
  73. CommissarTsar
  74. Coolstartart
  75. corgthebeast
  76. CoTurok
  77. Countz
  78. Cpt_Kev217
  79. CptHofman
  80. CrabbyK
  82. cronix94
  83. CrownlesKing
  84. Currahee1SG
  85. czaniec13
  86. DarthAdmiral3
  87. DeAdxMaN
  88. Death49
  89. Decarus_Order
  90. Defender72_1
  91. Delta
  92. DemonCarroll
  93. DemonPrince
  94. Denton_Ranger
  95. DerAlte56
  96. DesertKnuckles
  97. deslok
  98. Destroyer92777
  99. dexterav
  100. DeXTeRH
  101. diebels63
  102. Director_Qian
  103. domidieudo
  104. Dominikpa33
  105. Don_Makedon
  106. DooDooTank
  107. Dosi
  108. Draco_Gaming
  109. Dragonbreath1
  110. Dragonshooter
  111. drakoff
  112. Drakonis
  113. Draxion
  114. Drdaks
  115. Dreadbot
  116. DredNaughtie
  117. DrStrangeWolf
  118. DzsézönSztetem
  119. DZVIEDZ
  120. EasyDuck
  121. ecssd
  122. Edenir
  123. Echo01
  124. Einst1
  125. Eisen_Schwein
  126. Eisenkutte
  127. el_fynbo
  128. ElFuZz
  129. Ersatzteil
  130. EugenNeko
  132. Ex_inkkari
  133. F207
  134. Faltenhund81
  135. Fati
  136. felipebar
  137. Fenreth
  138. Ferral
  139. FireFrost2
  140. FIST-of-ZEUS
  141. FlameSpirit
  142. Flankersu27
  143. fleespy
  144. FN2725
  145. Forvet
  146. FoxfireNS
  147. Foxtrot_Hotel
  148. franciszek992
  149. funta1
  150. G510
  151. GarmrXUSAF
  152. geek0505
  153. Geisterrabe1
  154. Gellion
  155. Ghavin
  156. GibbousMaximus
  157. Gimpor
  158. Gmer
  159. Gnesea
  160. Godmod00
  161. goose26
  162. Gousti23CZ
  163. Gouverneur_Timo
  164. Graf_Saufenberg
  165. Grimsister
  166. GuessThatMeme
  167. Gunner1414
  168. Guyver111
  169. HackePeter
  170. HaCkMuFFiNe99
  171. Hannibal33
  172. Hardknock
  173. HarrasmentPark
  174. HarryHoe
  175. Hauseref
  177. heng0277
  178. HereCreepers
  179. Higgens2
  180. Hitmankiller
  181. hjwbot
  182. hjx1212
  183. Hockir
  184. HolyDragoon
  185. HRDSTL
  186. Hrimfaxy
  187. hubal1805
  188. Huhu
  189. ChaoLiZiPao
  190. Charliehorse18
  191. Chass3urAW
  192. christ351
  193. I5Hammer
  194. IceKuemmerling
  195. IHugoI
  196. Immortal2
  197. Inimical
  198. inspectorTMT
  199. Invader1222
  200. Its4quenten
  201. JackDaniels
  202. Jacksen
  203. jad13
  204. Jaime_Gatling
  205. jaimesim
  206. JaRo1512
  207. jbwoo
  208. Jecklen_Hyde
  209. JeffNOX
  210. Jeniu
  211. Jeremy_Clarkson
  212. Jimmygrey
  213. Joe_Black
  214. joebob73
  215. John_Coooper
  216. Josch63
  217. jrice321
  218. JUNCHOI
  219. juremod
  220. Jyliac
  221. K2-71046900
  222. K3nnjiTheGreat
  223. kadmich
  224. Kairene_R
  225. Kamikazestahl
  226. Karaia
  227. Karlos79CZ
  228. Kebabpower
  229. kennyboot
  230. kentavros
  231. Kess-Tdt
  232. Keyser_Soeze
  233. Killasmile
  234. KillnGrill
  235. kimica
  236. Kingfish
  237. kitiku
  238. Kkrisak10
  239. klikadam
  240. kllrthedemon
  241. KoileHart
  242. kokoVmaxa
  243. Kosiaz88
  244. KrazyPanda
  245. krumpa
  246. Kyoko_Igarashi
  247. LambChopSoldier
  248. Lebretonfou
  249. leleblock
  250. leo10086
  251. leonpower
  252. LeoSayersWig
  253. Lieutenant_Sam
  254. Likenak
  255. LoneWolf_65
  256. lordenaldo
  257. LordPapaj
  258. Luetze41
  259. LuLuTsian
  260. M00KA
  261. MacDusty93
  262. Madmax_war
  263. MagicGnomeBliz
  265. MagnusBarca
  266. MajorMarco45
  267. malinois68
  268. Mammothmk2
  269. mariokamada
  270. markabrunn
  271. MarkLXIX
  272. MarkusAurellius
  273. Marshal_Elite
  274. MartaN
  275. MartinV3
  276. MaschiMo
  277. Mason_Wong
  278. Mathieukimii
  279. maxlink
  280. Mazzy273
  281. MechanicaJackal
  282. Mensha-Khaine
  283. Merkava1001
  284. meshary
  285. Methos911
  286. Midwahgein
  287. Mieszko2
  288. Michaellaneous
  289. MichalSkil
  290. Mikamy
  291. milan08
  292. Milanius
  293. MinceCore
  294. MinkShenan
  295. mk153
  296. Mohrteph
  297. Monkeynuts
  298. mozilla1949
  299. MSgtDomanian
  300. MsgtMarl
  301. muguet
  302. Multesimus
  303. munkadu
  304. Muzzle_Flash
  305. myj987
  306. Mystic501
  307. N3RD12512
  308. NakaTheDaemon
  309. Neo4
  310. nephrwack1982
  311. ninja474
  312. Nkp801
  313. NoIdeasMan
  314. noobhoch10
  315. NukeMutant
  316. ObiWan28
  317. Obuzzul
  318. okonis
  319. OldIronside
  320. OldRicky
  321. Oldwolf-UK
  322. OSF_d_R
  323. OS-NK
  324. Overheateconomy
  325. Paladin1969
  327. PanserArne
  328. panzerstaale
  329. parsslinger1967
  330. Partypaco
  332. patox45200
  333. Paul_Phynix
  334. paun95
  335. Penguin123
  336. Penguinkiller
  337. Penrose
  338. pepecoco05
  339. perlaperlo20
  340. PetrosCZE
  341. Phalyr
  342. Phelpsy_Phelps
  343. PilotBBC123
  344. Pitley
  345. Platinumsniper
  346. PlayerPL
  347. popo1306
  348. poussinours73
  349. prizrak86
  350. PROMU
  351. Protocol
  352. Ptitluc65
  353. PureZX
  354. PVTTrulyBlind
  355. PvtTwinkletoes
  356. Quadan
  357. R0S0MAK
  358. Rabiwatt
  359. rabu9999
  360. Ragnar1994
  361. Rainmaker
  362. raketenchali
  363. RamaA
  364. Randomnoob
  365. RangerMavrick
  366. raspyspacegod
  367. raubmuecke
  368. raysugar
  369. Razor696
  370. razorserban
  371. ReddNekk
  372. Redork
  373. Regias_ArmeCrea
  374. renegade_83
  375. Righteous_Man
  376. rng_auf_kette
  377. Sehven
  378. SFC_Warlock
  379. SG50_2015
  380. Sgt_Reckless
  381. sgtcharon
  382. SgtMaj_Carey
  383. SGWannaBe
  384. shadowood
  385. Shmex
  386. Schmiddy1991
  387. Sicario69
  388. SilverthorneR33
  389. SilverWolf117
  390. Simon_RIley_141
  391. sinsia
  392. sinsin01
  393. Skippzzz
  394. SkitzyFox
  395. skydreamers23
  396. SleepyTheFox
  397. SmallZhe
  398. SneakyNibbler
  399. snidii12345
  400. Sobink
  401. Spieler-1
  402. sprinpigeon
  403. SSSK
  404. StarBlaze
  405. start1962ricco
  406. Startfuchs
  407. SteelTongue
  408. StiltedKiwi28
  409. Stinger952
  410. Stoltenborg
  411. SturmOstfriese
  412. Sturmvogel_53
  414. sun_tha
  415. Super_Conqueror
  416. Supereend_2punt
  417. Surlytanker
  418. Susanowo_1998
  419. T_BACK
  420. TabulaRasa
  421. Talisman4437
  422. Tamahagen
  423. tankeur_59
  424. Tankfist60
  425. TankXD777
  426. Tateundertaker
  427. TBW12
  428. Tehquila
  429. TermiPeteNZ
  430. test_404
  431. ThatBlindSniper
  432. ThatCr4zyW31RDo
  433. The_mad_Midget
  434. TheDgamesD
  435. TheLastHuszar
  436. TheRealFireShar
  437. thibaut1420
  438. Thorolfson
  439. Tiananmen1989
  440. TigerLord
  441. Tikburg
  442. TimksK
  443. TiranoAW
  444. tj269530
  445. TMac2467
  446. TobiichiOrigami
  447. TomatoWarrior
  448. Tomkopol
  449. Tony_01
  450. Toomanysecrets
  451. ToxicAddictions
  452. tpling
  453. Tresirtam
  454. TrueDuck
  455. Turbo_The_Anima
  456. UncleBin
  457. UNCS_DK
  458. uniwers
  459. uNKnownTanker
  460. Unmaker
  461. Urik_Antares
  462. V3n0x
  463. Varro
  464. VaygrEmpire
  465. Veuxlarius
  466. Vidaritos
  467. vitjaba96
  468. VladTepes84
  469. VodkaTschechern
  470. volldabei1
  471. VonBach86
  472. voxx22
  473. wardawg8
  474. Warnyx
  475. welle68
  476. werewolf1966
  477. wezzie88
  478. Whitefang9481
  479. wiesel
  480. WILSEN01
  481. Winterborne
  482. winterfeldt
  483. wladio
  484. Wolf_S8
  485. wolf054
  486. Wolfonar
  487. Wolvan
  488. Wolven666
  489. WraZz
  490. Wrof
  491. XBigBenX
  492. X-heketchis_V44
  493. xHugo_Stiglitzx
  494. XxoAlExAnDeRoX
  495. xX-Puma-Xx
  496. Yakisaban
  497. YangRenJey
  498. YourfriendlyGI
  499. Zealot
  500. ZGMF1000
  501. Zhen_01
  502. ziboli
  503. Zieloo
  504. Zirael
  505. ZWA9ER

Please note that the results of the Way of the Warrior (completing 42 PvE missions with Storyline Campaign vehicles) haven't been processed yet. We'll publish those along with the mission results.

The full list of currently eligible players is here:

List of Currently Eligible Players

  1. A_ru
  2. A_rvern
  3. A_Vetruvio
  4. a3pon
  5. Abyss
  6. AceOfBlades
  7. addedd
  8. Aericar
  9. Aerion
  10. Aethon
  11. Ahzzie
  12. Aiiro
  13. alex82rus
  14. Alfa_Ex
  15. alfred1959
  16. AlfredvonGomel
  17. Alighierian
  18. Allgemein
  19. Allounia
  20. Alpha7
  21. AlphaDude
  22. AlphaWolf2448
  23. AlvyDOB
  24. Alzoc3
  25. Ambraxas
  26. AMOK_John
  27. Amppy
  28. Andy74
  29. Anka-Anka
  30. Ann-Kathrin
  31. anulu1234
  32. anunaky
  33. AoToA
  34. Aphidion
  35. ApoloSorin
  36. Apuk
  37. AquaFlame
  38. Aquascum
  39. Arcaran
  40. ArcLight
  41. ArcTeryX
  42. Arcticwolfbz
  43. Argh_Blarghen
  44. Arhiloh
  45. Archaeopteryx
  46. Archangel051
  47. Arkaba
  48. armoredDonut
  49. Arni_xd
  50. Arri_Shi
  51. aspirant80
  52. Asqwel
  53. AssaultEngineer
  54. ATankOnTitan
  55. Atlasian
  56. Attacker65
  57. atze4772
  58. Ausfahrt
  59. AusterWueste830
  60. Avalanthium
  61. Aventhor
  62. AWDark
  63. AxleVought
  64. Ayako
  65. Azarith
  66. Azdule
  67. b1uetears
  68. Baba_Booey
  69. Baba_of_Noobs
  70. baba-yaga-xxxl
  71. BadFox
  72. bad-steel
  73. bagofbones
  74. Balocco92
  75. banzai99
  76. Baobass
  77. Barake
  78. Bareideru
  79. Baron_Georg
  80. barrettMHF
  81. Bat_comrad
  82. Battle_Llama
  83. battlegirl
  84. baxter77
  87. Beeda2004
  88. beerke
  89. belbegor
  90. Beluga61
  91. Benyamin
  92. BerserkSplash
  93. BetaSVK
  94. Betonman
  95. bezimiennyPL
  96. biermsch11
  97. bigbogo
  98. biht
  99. BillWilsonCIA
  100. bimre
  101. Bismarck01
  102. Bismarck2117
  103. Bisoprolol
  104. Bitamin_ROK
  105. Blabla123
  106. Black_Stallion
  107. BlackPiet
  108. BlackSamurai_HU
  109. BlackSide
  110. Blapowski
  111. Blazsi14
  112. Bleddry
  113. Blokhow
  114. bloodred0114
  115. Bluedust
  116. Bluecheese
  117. bluenite
  118. bluesteelxyz
  119. bobes1907
  120. boegeman300
  121. Bonatius
  122. boymahina123
  123. Brethil
  124. brocken
  125. broken_Pottery
  127. bubalus
  128. bubbas
  129. bubulle
  130. Buckaroo_Banzai
  131. Bugframe
  132. Bulk
  133. bulsoryung
  134. Bushmaster1
  135. CabiHun
  136. calbrit
  137. Caligula876
  138. CannonBreaker
  139. Capt_Chaos
  140. Captain-Bannon
  141. Cardex
  142. Carl_A_Pizza
  143. Carloveliki
  144. Cascozi
  145. ccruler
  146. Cdnarmy30
  147. ceejee007
  148. CellEtAudax
  149. Centurin
  150. Cinder
  151. Clarenbaechlein
  152. ClaudyDD
  153. Clouded_Leopard
  154. Cobra0668
  155. CodyFett
  156. ColdSteel66
  157. ColinM
  158. Commander_Cold
  159. CommanderConner
  160. CommissarTsar
  161. Coolstartart
  162. CoreRemnant
  163. corgthebeast
  164. CorrosivePrimed
  165. CoTurok
  166. Countz
  167. Coxie
  168. Coyote
  169. Cozmic
  170. Cpt_Kev217
  171. CptHofman
  172. CrabbyK
  173. CraigMitchell
  175. cronix94
  176. CrossD-JPN
  177. CrownlesKing
  178. CRrreLL
  179. Cupa
  180. Currahee1SG
  181. CWolf1
  182. cyberseth4A10
  183. Cyberschreiber
  184. czaniec13
  185. Czarny99
  186. DaisenSeKai
  187. Dammit_Vadim
  188. danishcommunis
  189. DanishSkull
  190. Dansvp
  191. dark_demigod
  192. Dark_Rider
  193. Dark-Souls
  194. Darth_Sputnik
  195. DarthAdmiral3
  196. Data-Zero
  197. Dayan78
  198. De4thZ0ne338
  199. DeAdxMaN
  200. Dean_Martin
  201. Death49
  202. Decarus_Order
  203. decybel
  204. Defender72_1
  205. Dejwu_Z_Bombasu
  206. deLooney
  207. Delta
  208. DemaciaKoMuro
  209. DemonCarroll
  210. DemonPrince
  211. Den3ris
  212. DENN67
  213. dennisthemenace
  214. dens
  215. Denton_Ranger
  216. der_brocken
  217. Der_Master
  218. DerAlte56
  219. DerMustang
  220. DesertKnuckles
  221. deslok
  222. Destroyer92777
  223. dexterav
  224. DeXTeRH
  225. dfnce
  226. dfrom
  227. diebels63
  228. Director_Qian
  229. dkhi
  230. dogbert
  231. Doktor_Plama
  232. domidieudo
  233. Dominikpa33
  234. Don_Makedon
  235. Donerkebab
  236. DonFurioso
  237. Donkey46
  238. DonPep
  239. DooDooTank
  240. DoomedGrind
  241. Doppelpunkt
  242. Dosi
  243. double07
  244. Dr_Dewey
  245. Drackenfells
  246. Draco_Gaming
  247. Dragonbreath1
  248. Dragonshooter
  249. drakoff
  250. Drakonis
  251. Draxion
  252. Drdaks
  253. Dreadbot
  254. Dreamer45
  255. DredNaughtie
  256. Dreganos
  257. DrLeft
  258. DrowPL
  259. DrStrangeWolf
  260. DrunkenTank
  261. duckbill
  262. DunkelUlfson
  263. dxx9664
  264. DzsézönSztetem
  265. Dzsoksz
  266. DZVIEDZ
  267. dzvladimer
  268. easeas
  269. EasyDuck
  270. ecofresh553
  271. ecssd
  272. Edenir
  273. EgidijusZ
  274. Echo01
  275. Einst1
  276. Eisen_Schwein
  277. Eisenherz
  278. Eisenkutte
  279. EisernerGustav
  280. el_fynbo
  281. Elegost
  282. ElFuZz
  283. Elitetiger99
  284. Emleen
  285. EnderJagerBR
  286. Ensen
  287. Epicredeemer
  288. Equinoxxx
  289. erca001
  290. ErikaHartman
  291. Ersatzteil
  292. Eskobar68
  293. EugenNeko
  294. Eugo_2900
  295. eurovaltrans
  297. Ex_inkkari
  298. F207
  299. Faalk
  300. Faltenhund81
  301. Farfinder
  302. Fati
  303. felipebar
  304. Felted
  305. Feneghar
  306. Fenreth
  307. Ferral
  308. Final_Gambit
  309. firebird820
  310. FireFrost2
  311. FIST-of-ZEUS
  312. Flameon985
  313. FlameSpirit
  314. Flankersu27
  315. Flavio93Zena
  316. fleespy
  317. Fler821
  318. FN2725
  319. ForestryScience
  320. Forvet
  321. FoxfireNS
  322. Foxtrot_Hotel
  323. franciszek992
  324. friedenspanzer
  325. ftkatoo
  326. funkycop
  327. funta1
  328. Furiana75
  329. FusigonusPuf
  330. FX_1
  331. G_a_n_d_a_l_f
  332. G510
  333. Gadon
  334. gandalf39
  335. GarmrXUSAF
  336. Gauvain_III
  337. geek0505
  338. Geisterrabe1
  339. Gellion
  340. General_Blue
  341. General_Mehran
  342. Genomele
  343. geomal
  344. Ghavin
  345. GHOB60
  346. GhostFasas
  347. GibbousMaximus
  348. GiftmischerNel
  349. Gimlett
  350. Gimpor
  351. GirigiriEye
  352. Gmer
  353. Gnesea
  354. Godmod00
  355. goose26
  356. Gorrann
  357. Gousti23CZ
  358. Gouverneur_Timo
  359. Graf_Saufenberg
  360. gre38120
  361. Greeliyahu
  362. Grim_Guardian
  363. Grimsister
  364. gringo
  365. Guerreiro
  366. GuessThatMeme
  367. Gunner1414
  368. GuyVenom
  369. Guyver111
  370. GwenADu
  371. HackePeter
  372. HaCkMuFFiNe99
  373. hamer101
  374. Hannibal33
  375. Hansi-001
  376. HanysB
  377. Hanysuana
  378. Hardknock
  379. Harkin
  380. HarrasmentPark
  381. HarryHoe
  382. Haswell
  383. Hauseref
  384. Hawk91
  386. Heinzielein
  387. Heliostyle
  388. Hellcat43
  389. hellheat
  390. heng0277
  391. herald17
  392. HereCreepers
  393. HEROES
  394. Higgens2
  395. Hitmankiller
  396. hjwbot
  397. hjx1212
  398. Hockir
  399. HolyDragoon
  400. Howzzat
  401. HRDSTL
  402. Hrimfaxy
  403. hubal1805
  404. Huhu
  405. hunok
  406. HunterMasto
  407. HurtfulOutcomes
  408. ChaoLiZiPao
  409. Charlie3310
  410. Charliehorse18
  411. Charlton67
  412. Chass3urAW
  413. Chet_Ubetcha
  414. Chrion
  415. christ351
  416. I5Hammer
  417. Iamanoob
  418. IceKuemmerling
  419. identitäter
  420. idiocy
  421. IHugoI
  422. Immortal2
  423. Inclementer
  424. Indomie
  425. Inimical
  426. inspectorTMT
  427. Invader1222
  428. Iosifek
  429. Iron_Monti
  430. Iron-Samurai
  431. ItalianStyle
  432. Its4quenten
  433. itzjustrick
  434. IvoryMoonLight
  435. JackDaniels
  436. jacko
  437. Jacksen
  438. jad13
  439. Jagdar69
  440. Jaime_Gatling
  441. jaimesim
  442. Jango_996
  443. jaokiller223
  444. JaRo1512
  445. jbsontra
  446. jbwoo
  447. Jecklen_Hyde
  448. JeffNOX
  449. Jeniu
  450. Jenkin_Jones
  451. Jeremy_Clarkson
  452. Jimmygrey
  453. JKay
  454. Joe_Black
  455. joebob73
  456. JoePike
  457. John_Coooper
  458. Johnny_Yuma
  459. Jollij
  460. Jonieryk
  461. Jonolitium4
  462. Jonse
  463. Josch63
  464. jrice321
  465. Juergen
  466. JUNCHOI
  467. juremod
  468. Jyliac
  469. K2-71046900
  470. K3nnjiTheGreat
  471. kacerdva
  472. kadmich
  473. kaine82
  474. Kairene_R
  475. KaiserKent
  476. Kalladan
  477. Kalmisto
  478. Kamikaze2020
  479. Kamikazestahl
  480. Kampfpudding
  481. Karaia
  482. Kardaloz
  483. Karlos79CZ
  484. karooll
  485. katoda_ltd
  486. Kazuhira95
  487. Kazuto_Naruse
  488. Kebabpower
  489. Keenwolfe
  490. Keleb
  491. Kell_Hound
  492. kennyboot
  493. kentavros
  494. KEPOS-SVS
  495. Kess-Tdt
  496. Kévin_49
  497. Keyser_Soeze
  498. kika
  499. Kiklop73
  500. Killasmile
  501. KillnGrill
  502. kimica
  503. King_Icefyre
  504. Kingfish
  505. Kinsky
  506. KiryuCoco
  507. kitiku
  508. Kkrisak10
  509. KLAUSI
  510. klikadam
  511. kllrthedemon
  512. Klmn
  513. Knewone
  514. Knuddelwolf
  515. Knutliott
  516. KoileHart
  517. kokoVmaxa
  518. Kosiaz88
  519. KrashDown
  520. KrazyPanda
  521. Krieger2297
  522. Kronos1952
  523. krumpa
  524. krzychsus
  525. Kuba3690
  526. kuba7108
  527. Kyoko_Igarashi
  528. KyRaBoT
  529. KyraZier
  530. lakij
  531. Laknat
  532. LambChopSoldier
  533. Lebretonfou
  534. Legacy
  535. leleblock
  536. Lemovice
  537. Lenzabi
  538. leo10086
  539. Leo999
  540. LeoAegisMaximus
  541. leonpower
  542. LeoSayersWig
  543. Let_it_Shrek
  544. lf20107
  545. Lhynn
  546. Liebefrei
  547. LieberFrei
  548. Lieutenant_Sam
  549. Likenak
  550. lionleader
  551. Liszon
  552. ljhak4526
  553. LoneWolf_65
  554. Lord_Soviettron
  555. lordenaldo
  556. LordPapaj
  557. LordVorontur
  558. Lost_Myst
  559. Lt_Blechtonne
  560. LTForge
  561. Luetze41
  562. LuLuTsian
  563. Lumpi
  564. Lysdexic
  565. M_FOUR
  566. M00KA
  567. MacDusty93
  568. macieklu
  569. Madmax_war
  570. MagicGnomeBliz
  572. MagnusBarca
  573. Magoo62
  574. MahoNishizumi71
  575. MachMet_Hood
  576. Major_Degtarev
  577. MajorMarco45
  578. malinois68
  579. Mammothmk2
  580. Maniacu
  581. Marc0ZTM
  582. Margot
  583. mariokamada
  584. MarioVegas
  585. markabrunn
  586. MarkLXIX
  587. MarkusAurellius
  588. Marshal_Elite
  589. MartaN
  590. MartinV3
  591. Mashal_Vader
  592. MaschiMo
  593. Mason_Wong
  594. Mathieukimii
  595. Matchstick
  596. Mausi111
  597. MaxHeadroom
  598. maxkilz
  599. maxlink
  600. Maybe268
  601. Mazzy273
  602. MB72
  603. Mbsk01
  604. Mbsk02
  605. MCP64
  606. MechanicaJackal
  607. MeKelGachy
  608. meliadus
  609. Men_Cor
  610. Menoetius
  611. Mensha-Khaine
  612. Merkava1001
  613. meshary
  614. MetaIWrath
  615. Methos911
  616. mgdriver
  617. Micah_Bell
  618. Midwahgein
  619. Mieszko2
  620. Migmeik2000
  621. Michaellaneous
  622. MichalSkil
  623. Mikamy
  624. MikeAvatar
  625. milan08
  626. Milanius
  627. mi-loup
  628. MinceCore
  629. MinkShenan
  630. Mirko101010
  631. Mjolner
  632. MK_Regular
  633. mk153
  634. Mk2Griefer
  635. Mohawk55a
  636. Mohrteph
  637. Mondfuchs
  638. Monkeynuts
  639. Morvaiman
  640. Moufo
  641. moupp
  642. mozilla1949
  643. Mpc1965
  644. mral2012
  645. MrBurns23
  646. mrkiller
  647. MrMakata
  648. MSgtDomanian
  649. MsgtMarl
  650. Muaddibb
  651. muguet
  652. Multesimus
  653. munkadu
  654. Muzzle_Flash
  655. muzzleloader
  656. myj987
  657. Mystic501
  658. N3cr0n0m
  659. N3RD12512
  660. Najlvin
  661. NakaTheDaemon
  662. narkisos
  663. Narnman
  664. Neko_29
  665. Nekrosmas
  666. Neo4
  667. NEOCHEN
  668. nephrwack1982
  669. Nerpynerp
  670. Netherstorm
  671. nevimcosem
  672. NicktheProf
  673. nighthawk144
  674. Nihtwaco
  675. ninja474
  676. nitroasp
  677. Nkp801
  678. NoEffectDagger
  679. NoIdeasMan
  680. nolja
  681. Noobdown
  682. noobhoch10
  683. Noobster47
  684. nookie
  685. Nova67
  686. Nuisance_Value
  687. NukeMutant
  688. ObiWan28
  689. Obuzzul
  690. okonis
  691. OldIronside
  692. OldRicky
  693. Oldwolf-UK
  694. Ollinator
  696. OSF_d_R
  697. OS-NK
  698. OSTBtsmAlbert
  699. Overheateconomy
  700. P4nzerMarmelade
  701. PAKEHA
  702. Paladin1969
  703. Paladin69
  705. pannekoekert
  706. PanserArne
  707. panzerstaale
  708. Papa_Sc0rch
  709. Paramirum
  710. parsslinger1967
  711. Partypaco
  713. PaterBrown
  714. patox45200
  715. patriezier
  716. Paul_Phynix
  717. paun95
  718. Peacemakerr
  719. pekele
  720. Penguin123
  721. Penguinkiller
  722. Penrose
  723. pepecoco05
  724. PereZ_345
  725. perlaperlo20
  726. Perzel
  727. Pesa
  728. PetrosCZE
  729. Phalyr
  730. Phelpsy_Phelps
  731. Phoenix
  732. pcheniek
  733. Pi0ve
  734. PilotBBC123
  735. Pitley
  736. Pixelpapsto
  737. Platinumsniper
  738. PlayerPL
  739. PolishLegend
  740. Polo_pl18
  741. pop2507
  742. popo1306
  743. poussinours73
  744. Princess_Luna
  745. prizrak86
  746. PROMU
  747. ProMyka
  748. Protocol
  749. Proxy_One
  750. PS_Tod
  751. PSChild
  752. PsyWarrior
  753. Ptitluc65
  754. puky_cro
  755. PureZX
  756. PurpleLXXIII
  757. PvtPetrenko
  758. PVTTrulyBlind
  759. PvtTwinkletoes
  760. Qbicle
  761. Quadan
  762. QuantumRanger
  763. R_M_B
  764. R0S0MAK
  765. Rabiwatt
  766. rabu9999
  767. radus1975
  768. raf2103
  769. Ragnar1994
  770. RagnarSchulz
  771. Rainmaker
  772. raketenchali
  773. RamaA
  774. Rammstein012345
  775. Randomnoob
  776. RangerMavrick
  777. Raph-the-Raven
  778. Rapy_cz
  779. raspyspacegod
  780. raubmuecke
  781. Ravenwing_129
  782. raysugar
  783. Razor696
  784. razorserban
  785. RedBad007
  786. ReddNekk
  787. Redork
  788. RedSkyAtNight
  789. Regias_ArmeCrea
  790. rembolt007
  791. REMF
  792. renegade_83
  793. Righteous_Man
  794. Rmanrr
  795. rng_auf_kette
  796. robertmi
  797. Roopom
  798. Roscar
  799. RussianDoge
  800. RUSSification
  801. ryder
  802. S3RO1346
  803. sacoco
  804. sagvanmaslo
  805. Sahhe
  806. Salvo
  807. SASGamer_Pro
  808. SciroccoOne
  809. Scout51
  810. Sebastian_Grimm
  811. SegeberGER
  812. Sehven
  813. Sergeant_Bill
  814. sergeantjim
  815. severius
  816. SFC_Warlock
  817. SG50_2015
  818. sgmace
  819. Sgt_Reckless
  820. Sgt_Waffle
  821. SgtDream
  822. sgtcharon
  823. SgtMaj_Carey
  824. SGWannaBe
  825. shadowood
  826. Shadowwolve
  827. Shaele
  828. Shmex
  829. Scharnhorst87
  830. Schiwago
  831. Schlock
  832. Schmiddy1991
  833. Schneefuchs
  834. Schnitter_Zwei
  835. Schnittertm
  836. SchwarzFrost
  837. Sicario69
  838. SiemaSeppo
  839. Silver
  840. SilverHawke
  841. Silversurfer70
  842. SilverthorneR33
  843. Silverton
  844. SilverWolf117
  845. simolens
  846. Simon_RIley_141
  847. sinsia
  848. sinsin01
  849. SirKlasu
  850. sixor82
  851. Skippzzz
  852. SkitzyFox
  853. skydreamers23
  854. SleepyTheFox
  855. SmallZhe
  856. Smeghedd117
  857. snakeyes1948
  858. SneakyNibbler
  859. snidii12345
  860. Snomanmake
  861. Sobink
  862. Solstafir
  863. SomnusSenior
  864. Somrug
  865. sooner62
  866. Spartan0090
  867. Spaten66
  868. Spearhead
  869. Spieler-1
  870. SpiritOfNoPen
  871. Spitfire
  872. sprinpigeon
  873. Spyder
  874. Spychacz
  875. Spyshadow01
  876. SSSK
  877. Stabbingtime
  878. Stahlvormund92
  879. StarBlaze
  880. start1962ricco
  881. Startfuchs
  882. Staufener
  883. SteelHeroe
  884. SteelTongue
  885. StiltedKiwi28
  886. Stinger952
  888. Stoltenborg
  889. Stormlord
  890. Stratzi
  891. SturmOstfriese
  892. Sturmvogel_53
  893. Suberb
  895. sun_tha
  896. Super_Conqueror
  897. Super_J-K
  898. Supereend_2punt
  899. Surlytanker
  900. Susanowo_1998
  901. SuwalskiYaReX85
  902. Sverige
  903. SZymoin666
  904. T_BACK
  905. TA55U
  906. TabulaRasa
  907. Tachikoma_0808
  908. taimo123
  909. TakeTh1s
  910. Talisman4437
  911. Talyus
  912. Tamahagen
  913. Tank_Sniper
  914. tankeur_59
  915. Tankfist60
  916. TankFranky
  917. tankhunter0815
  918. tankist_49
  919. Tankratte
  920. Tanktostepone
  921. TanK-x
  922. TankXD777
  923. TaperHarley
  924. Taqu
  925. Tarkus
  926. Tateundertaker
  927. Tathris
  928. tazol
  929. TBFreak
  930. TBW12
  931. TeamM6123
  932. Tebor
  933. Tehquila
  934. TeKa
  935. Tenam
  936. TermiPeteNZ
  937. test_404
  938. teufala
  939. Tevix
  940. ThatBlindSniper
  941. ThatCr4zyW31RDo
  942. The_mad_Midget
  943. The_Viking68
  944. The5thchild
  945. TheDgamesD
  946. TheGreenTank
  947. TheLastHuszar
  948. The-Madman
  949. ThePsychoCat
  950. TheQuietOne
  951. TheRealFireShar
  952. Thernadomguy
  953. TheSerpentMage
  954. thewolfpack
  955. thibaut1420
  956. thierryimmel
  957. ThirdPanther
  958. Thorn66
  959. Thorolfson
  960. thud
  961. Thurim
  962. Tiananmen1989
  963. Tiger1964
  964. TigerLord
  965. Tigerlover
  966. Tigger
  967. Tikburg
  968. TimksK
  969. TimMardon
  970. TiranoAW
  971. tj269530
  972. TMac2467
  973. TobiichiOrigami
  974. TODESENGEL777
  975. Todor14x
  976. Tom_Jones_72
  977. TomatoWarrior
  978. tomcat_SRB
  979. Tomin4tor
  980. Tomkopol
  981. Tony_01
  982. Toomanysecrets
  983. TopSgt
  984. Torti007
  985. ToxicAddictions
  986. tpling
  987. Tresirtam
  988. TrueDuck
  989. Tuna
  990. Turbo_The_Anima
  991. Tyrex321
  992. Uglyn
  993. UncleBin
  994. UNCS_DK
  995. Unforgiven75
  996. uniwers
  997. uNKnownTanker
  998. Unmaker
  999. Urik_Antares
  1000. UrsulPolar
  1001. UszczeliX
  1002. V3n0x
  1003. vadda959
  1004. ValiVaDoboara
  1005. Valkyrie7
  1006. Varro
  1007. VaygrEmpire
  1008. veldmaarschalk
  1009. Velside
  1010. Veuxlarius
  1011. Vidaritos
  1012. VIHAR
  1013. vitjaba96
  1014. VladTepes84
  1015. VodkaTschechern
  1016. volldabei1
  1017. von_Grimm
  1018. von_chom
  1019. von_Rummelsdorf
  1020. VonBach86
  1021. Vovencjusz
  1022. voxx22
  1023. VTek46
  1024. W00dbury
  1025. Wackensack
  1026. waidler
  1027. Wallo
  1028. wardawg8
  1029. Warnyx
  1030. Wasulf
  1031. Weber13
  1032. welle68
  1033. werewolf1966
  1034. wezzie88
  1035. What_crysis
  1036. WHISKEY_07
  1037. Whitefang9481
  1038. wiesel
  1039. WildBiker
  1040. WillDie4Money
  1041. WILSEN01
  1042. windows_xp
  1043. Winterborne
  1044. winterfeldt
  1045. wladio
  1046. WOJTOON
  1047. Wolf_S8
  1048. wolf054
  1049. Wolfaar
  1050. Wolfonar
  1051. Wolt_01
  1052. Wolvan
  1053. Wolven666
  1054. WraZz
  1055. Wrof
  1056. ww60
  1057. x9x0x8x4
  1058. Xarven
  1059. xBIG_TUNAx
  1060. XBigBenX
  1061. XCXSCYCO
  1062. X-heketchis_V44
  1063. xHugo_Stiglitzx
  1064. Xorphitus
  1065. xRoCC
  1066. XxcukaxX
  1067. XxoAlExAnDeRoX
  1068. xX-Puma-Xx
  1069. Yakisaban
  1070. YangRenJey
  1071. yoloman1224
  1072. YourfriendlyGI
  1073. Zacom
  1074. Zealot
  1075. Zedarot
  1076. Zerhuskly
  1077. ZGMF1000
  1078. Zhen_01
  1079. ziboli
  1080. Zieloo
  1081. Zip50
  1082. Zirael
  1083. Zoxx
  1084. Zullu-09
  1085. zupermanneke
  1086. ZWA9ER

The first round of mission results will be published between October 20 and October 25, 2021. Please note that for Episode 1, the number determining the mission results is 707.

Are you on the list above?

In that case, you have to complete 3 out of 6 Episode 1 missions with 4 missions being available now and 2 more coming on October 25, 2021. Read each mission requirement carefully, some are very difficult. Attempting and failing a difficult mission has serious consequences.

If you aren't on the list above:

In that case, in addition to the Episode 1 missions, you also have to play 42 standard PvE matches (both difficulties count, Special Operations do not count) using any of the Storyline Campaign vehicles (T-80U, T-90, T-72B3, T-90A, T-90MS, BMPT-72 and BMPT Mod.2017). This objective needs to be completed until the end of the Episode (November 7, 2021).

Or, alternatively:

  • Purchasing access here
  • Discovering and completing a Secret Objective
  • Winning access in some contest (typically on Social Media)

For more info, visit the appropriate article.

Back to the Storyline Campaign Hub.

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