
Conversion Discounts


Do you wish to participate in high-Tier Global Operations battles but lack the vehicles to do so? These discounts might be just the thing you were looking for!

This weekend, all players will have the opportunity to convert the Locked Reputation to Global Reputation and Gold to Credits with a 20% discount! That means that for one Gold piece, you will be able to convert 150 Global Reputation points instead of the usual 120, or 1,920 Credits instead of 1,600 Credits!

The discount will be available:

  • European server - November 5 (00:01 CET) to November 7 (23:59 CET)
  • North American server - November 5 (12:01 AM PDT) to November 7 (11:59 PM PST)

To learn more about the Global Operations mode, please see the following articles:

We hope that you will enjoy these discounts and will see you on the battlefield!

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